Fascia Side Stretch

If you're looking to increase your flexibility, improve your posture, and reduce chronic pain, then stretching your fascia may just be the answer.

The fascial lines or nets are a group of connective tissues that runs throughout your body from top to bottom. When fascia become tight or restricted, it can make it difficult or impossible for you to stretch in certain directions. If you're struggling with flexibility or mobility issues (especially as they relate to your hips), this is a good place to start looking for solutions.

My goal is to help you find relief from pain and restriction so that you can enjoy the full range of motion that comes with being healthy and active—and I'm here to help! I have a master's level certification in bodywork from Erik Dalton’s Myoskeletal Alignment Program and advanced fascial stretching certification from The Stretch to Win institute, which means I've spent years studying human anatomy and how we move our bodies so that I can provide the most effective treatment possible for each individual client.

I offer personalized one-on-one sessions because every body is unique and deserves its own tailored treatment plan. My approach is holistic: if something isn't working for one part of your body, it might be affecting another aspect as well—so we'll always look at your