Sex and Assisted Fascial Stretch Therapy


It's not always a comfortable conversation. For some sex can have a sense of trauma and is painful; for others there is a sense of shame and for others its a form of freedom and self expression while for others it has confines to agreed arrangements and commitments.

But what does sex have to do with assisted fascial stretching?



Assisted stretching can have a great impact ones sexual health and well being by relaxing and decompressing the pelvis and pelvic floor muscles, increasing blood fow, improving range of motion and providing a better sense of well being - all of which contribute for added benefit to one's sex life.

PS - while sex is natural and fun (there's a George Michaels song in there somewhere!) - sex and or advances is not happening on my table!

PSS - Stretch is Natural, Stretch is Fun, Stretch is best one on one. Not every body does it but every body should! (Couldn't help myself!)