Modifications of stretching!

Sometimes we have to modifiy our table stretching techniques to accomodate a clients preference or for better leverage, body awareness or for educating the client.

Here we are doing a lateral side stretch in the seated position to really isolate just the ribcage and lats. Add a bit of spinal rotation with additional breath work for deeper stretching and - OH does it feel good.

Assisted stretching is a great way to go deeper into the fascia and body crevaces we just can't reach on our own. I often hear clients say things like - "I never knew I was tight there," or "I can never get that deep on my own."

So we modify positions, use breath work and educate so you not only STRETCH, but you FEEL the difference and can MOVE better as a result.

Come see how asisted stretching and myoskeletal bodywork can help you move and feel better.