The Kinetic Chain

Kinetic Chain.

I often get asked “What is it?” and “Can you explain it more.”

So here goes - my simple illustrations and explanation of the Kinetic Chain.

Let’s first look at the word “kinetic” which refers to movement, and the energy that transfers within differing and yet interconnected and interrelated parts to create movement. This is the study of kinesiology - the study of how the body moves with its lever systems of muscles, fascia and the skeletal systems.

The word “chain” means a series of interconnected pieces or parts that allow for support, flexibility, movement, stability, strength, tension and power.

So by definition the “kinetic chain” in reference to the human body basically is referring to all the parts: skeletal, muscle, fascial, nerves, and more, that pertain to our ability to create and utilize energy for the best possible quality of movement incorporating all the best of the above definitions.

So if one part is not working properly, or is out of alignment, or has poor nerve input, or is under too much tension, or lacks strength, etc., - it impacts the entire movement, or kinetics, of the body both from the ground up (foot to head) as well as from the top down (head to toe)!

We start by doing movement assessments to identify areas of restriction, pain, dysfunction and then apply techniques of assisted fascial stretching and myoskeletal alignment techniques to restore posture at the skeletal level, and this in turn helps to restore “balance” to the other body systems so they can move and utilize energy efficiently, thus normalizing flexibility and range of motion so there is less tension on ALL systems as well as the nervous system - thus reducing pain.

There is obviously more details that go into this, but hopefully this simple description will give you a better understanding of the “Kinetic Chain” and how the body is connected and that it’s ALL connected.