Body Waves

Sounds Funny. But there is more to it.

There are naturally occurring “waves” in nature. Sounds waves. Ocean waves, etc.

Have you ever noticed when standing still that you have a slight “sway?” This can be a wave of sorts. The body is energy and is designed to move - so having a “wave” is natural and comforting.

With the type of bodywork I do, tapping into this “bodywave” is fundamental to getting the nervous system to relax and to let go of the sticky areas of the body that may feel tight, compressed, under (and/or) over utilized. By using rocking, compression and other manual techniques, we can “rock” the body to find its natural rhythm, or “wave” pattern and from there we are able to help restore “balance” to the body.

Techniques used are Assisted Fascial stretching (FST), Thai Massage, Myoskeletal Alignment (MAT / MMT), vibration both mechanical, manual and sound.